Week 09
Taking On Just Enough
Although I made some major strides in my gave development journey this week, very little will be visible.
In all honesty there were a few hours where I could have worked on my game, but instead did something else. However, even if I did put those hours in (and I definitely should have) there would be little to show visually.
Currently I’m working to migrate all the blueprint logic I’ve set up for the enemy character into c++.
My hope was that I would have that completed by now, however here we are.
Additionally, progress will slow down in the coming weeks as I’ve officially begun collaboration with someone I met through work who also has an interest in game development.
I still intend to create a post each week. However, the structure of the posts might be in flux for awhile.
It all depends on how I am able to work in this new project. I imagine at first it won’t be too different as there are definitely common pieces necessary between my prototype and this game I’m collaborating on.
However, as time goes on, my updates will likely shift towards the latter game and all the associated mechanics for that.
These days I really am feeling the pressing of time. And though there are moments where I fall back into the trance of “wasting time,” I think that overall I have sensed a shift in myself towards the productive.
However, time will tell!
Finally, I do intend to make a post tomorrow to actually bring the blog in sync with “real time” weeks.
I’ll discuss the game I’m collaborating on more as well as what I would like to achieve this next week.