Week 05
Busy Days
I’ve had a particularly busy week at work. That said, I’ve stil managed to make some progress in my game.
Although if I am being honest, it’s quite frustrating seeing how little progress I’ve managed to make.
In these times, I try to remember and look back to see how far I’ve traveled. And although it doesn’t totally resolve the frustration, it’s enough to reduce the intensity.
Game Updates
This past week and some-odd days saw me focus on AI. Not the generative kind, but the videogame “enemy” kinds.
I was able to get the enemy to “see” the player using the built in AIPerception class. Additionally, I created some basic follow and attack behavior.
I also took a foray into BehaviorTrees and the associated systems. I know I’ll need to go deep into that area one day, I decided that as a matter of getting some sort of game out, I’ll hold off and implement my AI in more crude ways.
Going to keep pushing forward. Small steps each day, it’s the only way to success.